
At Huntcliff registration takes place from 8:40 to 9:00. It is an important part of the day as it allows students to access the excellent academic support on offer to ensure they are ready to be at their best in lessons. Moreover, it is also an opportunity to enhance their curriculum experience through a range of targeted activities that are designed to engage the students on arrival to school.

Be Ready

This entails:

  • Carrying out equipment checks to ensure students are adequately prepared for lessons.
  • Uniform checks so that students maintain the high standards of the school and are well presented.
  • Disseminating key information so students are aware of upcoming events and important notices.

Tutor Time Schedule

Monday – Be Ready
Tuesday – Pastoral Time and Careers information
Wednesday – Literacy
Thursday – Assembly
Friday – PSHE Recall Quiz and Debate

Pastoral Time

Form tutors at Huntcliff take a proactive approach to support their tutees in their pastoral care. Pastoral time is dedicated time each week during which tutors can support students pastorally.

Careers information

Every week students are given information about careers in various forms e.g. clips, speakers, assemblies etc. to encourage our students to consider the careers that may best suit them in the future and build a culture of ambition and inspiration.


Students are given dedicated time each week to focus on reading. We are passionate at Huntcliff about building a love of reading and the positive impact that this has on students’ wellbeing and academic achievement, as such we ensure that all students have access to age-appropriate books recommended through their reading spines and/or age-appropriate literature – both fiction and non-fiction.


Assemblies are key in that they enable full year groups to come together as one. Staff and outside speakers deliver assemblies at Huntcliff and students are afforded the opportunity to listen to key messages in order that they can further develop their character and morals. We also place great emphasis on celebrating the achievements of the students with regular rewards assemblies linked to our praise and rewards systems.


The registration quizzes at Huntcliff again foster a sense of healthy competition and also enables students to recall key information covered in PSHE lessons. This interleaved approach to curriculum content ensures students are not taught in isolation and they can know more and remember more of the key messages to take from PSHE. They are also given the opportunity to share their thoughts on various topics of debate, this builds students ability to be confident orators and listen respectfully to others.