This page will be reviewed by October 2024.

Our career describes our journey through life, learning and work and we all need to actively develop our careers, in order to make the best of them.

Huntcliff School supports all of our students through a planned programme of activities which help to identify 14-19 pathways that are right for each individual and which allows students to manage their careers, sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.

All young people will develop the skills needed to make a successful transition from education into the workplace


Huntcliff Vision Statement for Work Related Learning

Students in all year groups will take part in various career learning activities throughout school, where they will; learn about the labour market and how their school subjects link to careers; have meaningful encounters with employers and further and higher education providers; gain experiences of the real working world; and receive individual and personalised guidance at key stages of their educational pathways.

Huntcliff supports students to develop the six career development skills outlined below, which the CDI’s Career Development Framework advises people need to have positive careers.

Careers Curriculum

Key Stage 3


  • Offer impartial careers information, advice and guidance to all students from year 7 – 9
  • Provide a range of career related activities to give students accurate information to aid them in their post 14 options process
  • Encourage students to be inquisitive about career pathways
  • Provide a forum for students to ask questions to employers and education providers, such as colleges and universities
  • Ensure all students have meaningful encounters with employers
  • Encourage students to participate in all career related activities that will help them form accurate perceptions of their possible future careers
  • Challenge stereotypical ideas about careers.
  • Educate students about local and national labour market information
  • Target activities to those students showing an interest within specific areas.



CEIAG through Tutorial Programme – 3 hours
Employer/training provider contacts through assemblies and ad hoc activities


CEIAG through Tutorial Programme – 2 hours
Employer/training provider contacts through assemblies, employer talks and work visits


CEIAG through Tutorial Programme – 4 hours
Options information Evening
Employer/training provider contacts through assemblies, employer talks and work visits
All students are given time in tutorial to reflect on their CEIAG activities, where students are encouraged to record and reflect upon their current thinking in relation to future options and careers.

Key Stage 4


  • Offer impartial careers information, advice and guidance to all students from year 10 and 11
  • Provide a range of career related activities to give students accurate information to aid them in their post 16 options
  • Encourage students to be inquisitive about career pathways
  • Provide a forum for students to ask questions to education providers, employers, universities
  • Ensure all students have meaningful encounters with employers and training providers
  • Encourage students to participate in all career related activities that will help them form accurate perceptions of their possible future careers
  • Provide work experience for all students so that they can experience the world of work
  • Give specific advice and guidance in relation to possible post 16 routes including apprenticeship and college options


Year 10

CEIAG through Personal Development Programme – 3 hours
Work experience preparation (CV writing; letters; log book etc) – 2 hours
5 full days of work experience
At least 2 employer/training provider contacts

Year 11

CEIAG through Tutorial Programme – 2 hours
Post 16 Information, Advice & Guidance
Individual guidance meetings


Every student in Key Stage 4 will have a 1:1 appointment with a qualified Careers Advisor. Any student from Y7 onwards who has a need for a 1:1 appointment with a Careers Advisor before this time needs to speak to Mrs Taylor- Careers Coordinator/Y11 Pastoral Manager for this to be arranged.

We also appreciate certain groups or individual students may need extra help and / or guidance and these groups will be targeted and given differentiated CEIAG as appropriate.

Groups may include but are not limited to: most able; disadvantaged; pupil premium; those in danger of becoming NEET; EAL; EHCP.

Activities targeted at specific groups take place throughout the year, such as:

  • Apprenticeship Information, Advice & Guidance
  • College / training providers open days and visits
  • Visiting speakers
  • Employer visits
  • Mock interviews


We evaluate the effectiveness and impact of our Careers programme by measuring our success against:

  • The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks
  • CDI Career Development Framework
  • Internal audits
  • Our NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) figures
  • Student surveys and feedback forms
  • Teacher feedback
  • Parent/ Carer feedback
  • Employer feedback
  • Students’ Individual Careers Action Plan data
  • The national Quality in Careers Standard


We have been awarded the national Quality in Careers Standard, awarded under license by Ixion (Part of the Shaw Trust Group.) The Quality in Careers Standard is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school.

We are continually working to improve the chances and opportunities of all the students. Recognising the importance of preparing students for their future careers the school began working towards the national Quality in Careers Standard.

Achieving the national Quality in Careers Standard shows the head teacher, governors and leadership team at Huntcliff School embrace, promote and endorse quality careers education and recognise the part it plays in the overall success of the school and its students. The school offers a range of activities to introduce students to the world of work and help them make decisions about life after school.

Our Quality in Careers Standard certificate can be viewed by clicking here.

Our current progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks is regularly reviewed via the Compass+ Careers Benchmark Tool and the most recent results can be viewed here.

Our NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) figures when available will be published here.

We would love to hear your feedback, ideas and offers for support in relation to careers at Huntcliff School, so we welcome your thoughts. Complete our online feedback form here.


Local Information and Support

Exploring Options and Pathways

Help and Ideas

Parents, Carers and Guardians