School Uniform
Blazer with Huntcliff Badge |
Compulsory |
Via Trutex only |
White shirt or blouse |
Compulsory |
Dark grey trousers or knee length pleated skirt |
Compulsory |
Dark grey v necked knitted jumper |
Optional |
School tie |
Compulsory |
Can be purchased at Bambini’s in Guisborough or bought via Arbor (£4.00) and collected from the school reception |
Flat, black school shoes |
Compulsory |
PE Uniform
Polo shirt with Huntcliff Badge |
Compulsory |
Via Trutex only |
Midlayer with Huntcliff Badge |
Compulsory |
Via Trutex only |
Plain/unbranded navy-blue shorts/tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings |
Compulsory |
Plain, unbranded navy/black/white/grey under armour or long-sleeved top for under PE uniform. Hat and gloves may also be worn. |
Optional |
Navy-blue football socks or plain white sports socks |
Compulsory |
A supportive sports training shoe (no plimsolls) |
Compulsory |
***Pupils in Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11) may wear black or navy sports leggings with ‘labels’ or navy track suit bottoms with ‘labels’ during curricular lessons, as we appreciate that these purchases will continue to be used once leaving Huntcliff. For those wishing to compete in interschool competitions, plain navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms are still required for team uniform*** |
All of our school uniform can be purchased from Trutex however you are welcome to buy the non-badged items from any other stockist if you prefer as long as they adhere to our basic uniform expectations. The items containing the Huntcliff logo can only be bought from Trutex. Ties can be purchased on Arbor and then collected from the school reception.
We have high expectations of our students and feel a smart, professional and business like uniform is appropriate; which allows them to have pride in their appearance and the image they present of the school to the community and others.

Guidance for parents and carers
Many shops and students will try and encourage parents/carers that certain styles of trousers, skirts and particularly footwear are acceptable as school shoes. Please read our expectations carefully, rather than being influenced by shops and/or your children.
New for 2023 – Uniform stocked at Bambini’s in Guisborough
From July 2023, Bambini’s in Guisborough will be stocking all of our branded items, plus school ties. Please note that all items are still available online direct from Trutex at a discounted price.
Basic Expectations for School Uniform
- A blazer worn at all times while moving around the school. Students will be able to remove it with permission from staff once working in classrooms.
- The school tie worn at all times, and must reach the waistband of trousers/skirt when tied with a sensible narrow knot. Large loose knots not permitted. Ties should be worn directly over the top button of the shirt. Clip-on ties are available for those who have physical difficulty in fastening a tie.
- Plain white conventional school shirt must be worn by all students; free of branding, tucked in at the waist and have all buttons fastened.
- Trousers are dark grey; straight or boot cut and fall away from the knee (must not be skin tight); have a flair at the ankle of at least 3cm. Trousers must not be fashion items such as jeans, jean style, linen, skinny fit, leggings etc or include branding, accessories, brightly coloured zips. If a belt is worn it must be plain black or grey.
- Skirts are dark grey and pleated; must be worn as knee length (i.e. not above the knee cap when standing); must not be fashion items including branding, accessories, zips, etc. If tights are worn they can be black, grey or nude but must be no more than 60 denier and plain, without any patterning. Tights must cover the foot, and as such not be leggings. If no tights are worn, then plain, white ankle socks must be worn (below the calf).
- Jumpers are optional. If worn they must be plain, dark grey, v-neck and knitted (not sweatshirt) and be free from branding and accessories.
- Shoes should be flat, plain and completely black. No trainers/trainer style, including plimsolls, canvas shoes and skate style shoes. As a guide they should be able to be polished.
Pre-loved Uniform
Our PTFA regularly ask parents/carers for donations of pre-loved uniform. There are pre-loved uniform sales throughout the year at specific school events. If you require any support with uniform please contact your child’s Pastoral Manager.